Yesterday we (as a family) enjoyed some somewhat rare Saturday time. We planned to go and shoot some family portraits in the afternoon. Our plans soon changed when we seen the storm approaching. We tried to beat it to the beach for some dramatic shots, but..........well we got wet. :) Here is one I got of Lily only seconds before we retired early to a fish & chip lunch in the car.After the storm passed we went to another location we've been waiting to try out. It has a cute four rail white horse fence! Here's Tyler & myself hangn' out by the fence. The shirt says it all! Bad to the Bone.I even convinced Jade of a portrait, like me she prefers to stay behind the camera.By the way this secret location between Coffs Harbour and Bellingen would be great wedding shoot location. My gorgeous girls Jade & Lily
It's a sparkling new sample 'coffee table' style album for ya'll to look through. It is a simple book bound album that has beautiful thick 'magazine cover' like pages and a wonderful glossy dust cover. If you are interested let me know and we can catch up so you can see the whole thing because photos never do albums justice.
PS. Happy Birthday Jadie! (my beautiful wife) I know that you'll be checking this post tomorrow morning while you sit at home on your birthday wondering if I bought you anything...... you'll have to wait and see.... x o x o x o
We had a perfect day last Saturday, considering we had detailed plans in place should it rain... Following a Ceremony in Coffs Harbour's beautiful Botanical Gardens the bridal party headed up to Beakon Hill which held special significance to Rhonda and Rusty. After a fly by from Virgin we drove out to Spagnolos Lane for some more rural feeling shots.