Following a Ceremony in Coffs Harbour's beautiful Botanical Gardens the bridal party headed up to Beakon Hill which held special significance to Rhonda and Rusty. After a fly by from Virgin we drove out to Spagnolos Lane for some more rural feeling shots.

1 comment:
Hi Graeme,
We just can't thank you enough for your expert work on our big day! Jade and yourself are just so talented. You paid attention to everything little detail that we mentioned, capturing every thing we wanted, and even went further, capturing those little deatils we didn't even think of, but we are so happy to now be able to view them. The special moments you captured for us are priceless! Now we're sat down and studied the photos we can see the work and you have put into them and how much of a perfectionist you are! How are we meant to pick only aa couple for enlargements?! You've made it so hard. The Dvd's have made their way around so many people and they are all left speechless (except for the giggles with the plane and the electric sparks!). You made us look as magical as we both felt. If anyone wants to know how great your work is, pass on our details. We're happy to sing your praises any time, not that we need to .... we'll only have to show them the photos and the dvd and it should speak for itself. Thanks again Jade and Graeme,
love Russell and Rhonda.
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